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The Wall - When Reality Becomes A Pink Floyd Movie

Walls are structures that enclose or divide.  Like everything else in this world, walls have their advantages and disadvantages.  Walls provide privacy, like bedroom walls; thank God for doors though, if you know what I mean.  We can hide behind walls.  Then there’s the kind of wall we build around our hearts; a wall of protection so to speak.  We withdraw to keep from feeling the hurt that often accompanies the relationships we encounter throughout our lifetimes.  Like when your dog or cat passes away and you find yourself saying, “Never again.” 

Walls work like prisons.  They can keep information and people from getting in or from getting out; this includes the sensitive heart.  If you build a wall around your heart, you’ve closed yourself off from love.  You hide behind your wall and others can no longer see your love-light shine.  Its fear based and there is nothing romantic or courageous about it.

Take for instance, when I was eleven years old, my parents divorced, and my siblings and I went from Catholic Schools to City Schools, and my life changed drastically.  The difference between the two schools was that one school pushed its students academically, and there were no enemies to be found among classmates, except for maybe the school principle, Sister Mary Carol.  The good thing about the city school was that I was at least a grade ahead of my classmates, but on the downside, these kids always wanted to fight.  God forbid if you had a disagreement with any of them, the rest of the kids would instigate the fight and before you knew it, you were toe to toe with your adversary. 

So I began smoking cigarettes and learned how to talk and walk like a bad ass.  And by the time high school rolled around, all I had to do was shoot a look, puff my chest and roar and that was the end of any thoughts of entanglement by the opposition.     

We do what we have to do to survive, but does that make it right?  My little wall of protection didn’t only keep others from wanting to challenge me; it also kept others from loving me or even wanting to get close to me.   With a cold heart comes lost opportunities. 

Now take this scenario and apply it to the United States as if we were one individual.  Not only will a wall along the Southern border provide a false sense of protection, but it imprisons our hearts and minds from the very freedom we base our identity on.  They don’t call England that land of the free, or Ireland, or Italy or any other nation I know of.  That designation has always been reserved for the United States of America. 

Our very existence is being challenged, and I most certainly understand the opposition to an open border, but there are other options available. 

Like did you know that since marijuana has become (in some way, shape or form) legal and easily available in most states now that there has been a major decrease to the amount of marijuana coming into the country from Mexico?  They can’t compete with the weed we’re growing here. 

And guess what?  Heroin wouldn’t be problem either, if it wasn’t for the pharmaceutical industry here in good ‘ole America.  It was the pharmaceutical companies that created a need for heroin in the first place, via the opioid epidemic.  Live Science reported that “nearly 80% of people who became addicted to heroin had used prescription pills first.”[1]  

So our anger as a nation should not be directed toward Mexico and South America, but toward the corporate overlords, like the pharmaceutical companies, and yes, Donald Trump. 

Trump symbolizes the corporate world; he’s all about the money; Mr. Business himself.  Trump’s wall is nothing more than a fear factor to keep his self in business as President.  Ask this question, if Trump is so worried about terrorist entering the country, then why aren’t we discussing a wall along the Northern border as well? 

Common sense alone dictates that nothing is going to stop people who have it in their hearts and minds to achieve safety or a better life from attempting to enter the United States.  These people put their lives on the line crossing a merciless desert just to get here.  Not to mention there have been some pretty sophisticated tunnels discovered that seem to work just fine as well.

Instead of spending money on a wall, let’s apply that money toward education, or maybe we can help those refugees before they even reach our borders.  I know there are other options; life has taught me as much. 

[1] Live Science, by Stephanie Pappas, June 12, 2017, “Massive Poppy Bust:  Why Home-Grown Opium Is Rare.”  Retrieved March 13, 2018.


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